Thursday, October 22, 2009

Hamlet's sanity has gone missing... $1,000 reward. I'm desperate!

Well, today was totally weird. I don't understand what has happened to Hamlet. Its as though he has completely lost his mind. My good friend Polonius has enlightened me on the strange occurrence that had transpired between Hamlet and his "so called true love," Ophelia. He totally freaked her out; I mean, he was hiding in her sewing room for God's sake. I would have hit him, but thats just me. According to Polonius, he had ordered her to no longer see him; so, that could be the reason for his madness; or..... maybe, he knows something that he shouldn't. Hmmm? I'm serious though, if you have any information on what the heck is going on with him, please call Elsinore and ask for my extension. Thanks, Claudius

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