Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Foiled again!

I hate my life. My life sucks. Poor King Claudius. =( What could have went wrong, did go wrong. Getrude drank from the poisoned cup ment for Hamlet, Laertes fell, and Hamlet killed me. Oh, by the way... I'm a ghost now. Boo! Hamlet was supposed to die, no me, not my queen, not Laertes... no one but Hamlet. He died of corse, but I should have lived!

He's Back!

While in the midst of the cemetery, where we were in the process of Ophelia's burial, Hamlet came out of no where. Laertes attacked Hamlet, but it was obvious to us that Hamlet did in fact "love" Ophelia. Can this possibly get any worse?

Monday, November 2, 2009

Murder in Disguise

Laertes is quite upset. Not only has his father been murdered, but his sweet sister, Ophelia, has drowned. An unfortunate series of events I must say.... Hamlet's actions have affected everyone. Laertes is hell-bent on revenge. We have come up with a little scheme. Laertes will challenge Hamlet to a sword fight; friendly competition. But when Laertes strikes Hamlet first (a non-lethal cut), the poison on the end of his sword will poison Hamlet, ultimately ending our troubles and satisfying Laertes's thirst for revenge.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Disaster in the making

He's dead, He's dead.... I, I can't believe he's really dead. Hamlet, my nephew/son murdered Polonius. Poor soul. Hamlet is boarding a ship as we speek, to England, hopefully, never to return to Denmark. What will come of this? Ophelia is acting crazy since she heard the news of her father's untimly death; and rumor has it that Laertes, in a rage, is bound for Elsinore at this very moment. Surely I can convince him that I took no part in this sharade... it was all Hamlet. I'm not guilty. Oh, this isn't good at all.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Has anyone seen my "ear" (Polonius)?

It seems that Polonius is MIA. The last time I saw him, he was going to listen in on a conversation between Hamlet and my wife, but I haven't seen him since. No one seems to know where he is or where he could have ran off to; whether he is alive...... or dead? He has just disappeared.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Unforgiven Sins

Dear Lord, I know that what I have done is wrong. I murdered my brother... to gain all that once was his. I know this and my guilt eats me alive from the inside out. Heaven have mercy on me. But why, why should it? I have sinned, but I love every thing I have gained, the crown, my ambition, and my Queen. My soul is foul and black, and yet even here, on my knees, my repentance is void. My words fly up but my prayer is not genuine. My sins can never be forgiven; I don't mean anything but to save my sorry behind, to try to make it to Heaven when I know, and you know, I'm doomed for Hell.

Secret's Out (I think "He" knows)

Hamlet had set up a play to be performed at Elsinore last night. It had interested me at first, but to my ultimate horror, the play had depicted the plot of events that haunt my soul. He's mad, mad I say! Yet, truth lies within that completely messed up head of his. It couldn't be by chance that he had this particular play performed for my Queen, my buds, and myself. He is up to something... and I'm gonna find out what that something is. He is going to speek with his mother at this very moment. Something must be done.